Dr. Sternberg is from Charlottesville, Virginia where he lives with his wife, Angelica Peña. Between them they have seven boys, three dogs, two cats and one grandson. They recently purchased a condo in Harbor Cove and look forward to getting established in the Lake Oconee community.
Dr. Sternberg is a board-certified internist, cardiologist, and interventional cardiologist who has an extensive interest, education and clinical expertise in all aspects of venous disease. He is currently the director of the cardiac catheterization laboratory at Augusta Health where he sees and treats all aspects of coronary artery disease including complex coronary stenting. He runs a complete venous disease clinic and performs interventions to heal venous disease.
Over the past 20 years he has noticed that a significant number of his heart patients have complaints consistent with venous disease. These complaints include bulging and unsightly varicose veins, heaviness, swelling, burning, itching, fatigue, cramping, and restlessness of the legs. For a majority of patients, these complaints affect their daily life. Previously, the only treatment available was vein stripping which is a very invasive procedure requiring a prolonged surgical procedure and general anesthesia with a significant amount of downtime. Now the underlying problem can be treated with a 20-minute in-office procedure with minimal pain and an immediate return to full activity. These minimally invasive procedures include sclerotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, adhesive closure and foam ablation. This results in a dramatic reduction in symptoms in most patients.